Enhanced DBS Check (with Children's Barred List)
Need an Enhanced DBS? Complete this form to initiate your DBS application on our E-Bulk DBS system.
Latimer Tuition can guide you through the process of Enhanced DBS Checks (with Children's Barred List). Latimer Tuition's admin fee is £30 + VAT per completed DBS check, in addition to the £49.50 DBS fee (zero-rated for VAT purposes).
We separately charge £5 + VAT for each ID check we conduct as part of the initial stages of the process. Our ID check provider is TrustID. If your ID check fails, you will need to re-complete this form to restart the process.
Please note, this service is separate from our activities as an Employment Agency (Tutoring Agency), and we cannot guarantee work with us even with a DBS check. This DBS check will, however, remain your property; it will be delivered to you and can be used elsewhere, not just at Latimer Tuition.
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